Writer's note: (The following is another guest blog from Darcy, my lovely passionate wife. If you are in the market for an advocate, look no further!)
Wow! Imagine my shock and surprise as my father informed me this morning that he is dropping all financial support to our local Birthright organization. I come from an immediate familial line of single issue, pro-life voters. I have seen my family put their money and place it directly where the mouth is when it came to supporting to pro-life positions. Suddenly, I could not believe my ears. Why in the world would you not choose to contribute to Birthright?
With that question, he handed me an invitation to a local fundraising gala. No surprise to me, he is not attending. Truth be told, I would have been surprised if he had told me that he was going to spend an evening at a charity event full of people, auctions and local celebrities. But to opt out altogether with financial support and ask to be removed from the mailing list, what? I reviewed the invite and knew immediately what his distaste was all about. It was the please join us for complementary vodka and bourbon tasting; this is what did my father in on the whole shin-dig. Yup, he is a 40 plus year t-totaler. He is of the belief that alcohol destroys lives.
I cannot argue with most of his positions on alcohol. He has lived nearly 70 years watching, as most of us, the negative effects that alcohol can take when an individual allows it to take control of their life. He has witnessed lives ended early, marriages broken, children’s youth shattered, the current addiction rate at its greatest levels and many more unmentioned alcohol related indiscretions; who can argue with the fact that it can be harmful?
So I asked him, where in the Bible are we commanded not to partake? I know that our bodies are temples; I know that we are not to become drunk with wine. I know that we are to be sober minded. I am not advocating drinking Dad; I just think that you may be taking the wrong approach. After calling our local Birthright organization he found that they consider themselves non-denominational so now he is splitting positions over religious affiliation. Meanwhile I am concerned with saving life. What about all the Christian denominations that are strong on life; the ones whom do not have a personal conviction to not to partake in alcohol? Why can’t we acknowledge that we stand together? We stand strong on life!
I understand he quickly assumed that Birthright (because it was pro-life) had Christian affiliation. In his mind, Christians don’t drink. Does this mean that only Christians are pro-lifers? I do believe that all Christians (regardless of denomination affiliation) have a call to stand for the rights of the unborn. If you have argument with this, don’t take it up with me. It is clearly given to us in the Word. Still, I hope that Christians are not misguided enough to believe that all unbelievers have been blinded. Believers are not the only ones that see life as precious. I can only pray that believers are not the only ones who have not bought the lie that abortion is a humane and a safe act.
In this instance we are not arguing the theological debate on alcohol consumption. We are joining forces to fight for the life of the innocent babies who do not have a voice. So when there is an unbeliever that believes that taking the life of an unborn baby is wrong, we have a common goal and I can join hands with them. Furthermore when a believer or non-believer does not have a problem with consumption, in the instance of innocent life, why would I split hairs over drinking? Why would I remove my brother’s splinter only to avoid the plank in my own eye? Why would I remove funding from an organization that I share all positions on concerning life and not set aside that we may have different social views and or practices? Why can we not align ourselves to win a war for the most innocent among us? Let’s deal with personal convictions later.
Unfortunately, I did not convince him differently. Throughout the day I have had images in my mind. My images are of Satan himself dancing with delight. Once again, he has been able to take the attention off of the most relevant and most pressing issue, the demoralization of life. He has caused one, if not more to abandon a cause; all in the name of placing our personal convictions on our brother.
Just a lingering thought….
Wow! Imagine my shock and surprise as my father informed me this morning that he is dropping all financial support to our local Birthright organization. I come from an immediate familial line of single issue, pro-life voters. I have seen my family put their money and place it directly where the mouth is when it came to supporting to pro-life positions. Suddenly, I could not believe my ears. Why in the world would you not choose to contribute to Birthright?
With that question, he handed me an invitation to a local fundraising gala. No surprise to me, he is not attending. Truth be told, I would have been surprised if he had told me that he was going to spend an evening at a charity event full of people, auctions and local celebrities. But to opt out altogether with financial support and ask to be removed from the mailing list, what? I reviewed the invite and knew immediately what his distaste was all about. It was the please join us for complementary vodka and bourbon tasting; this is what did my father in on the whole shin-dig. Yup, he is a 40 plus year t-totaler. He is of the belief that alcohol destroys lives.
I cannot argue with most of his positions on alcohol. He has lived nearly 70 years watching, as most of us, the negative effects that alcohol can take when an individual allows it to take control of their life. He has witnessed lives ended early, marriages broken, children’s youth shattered, the current addiction rate at its greatest levels and many more unmentioned alcohol related indiscretions; who can argue with the fact that it can be harmful?
So I asked him, where in the Bible are we commanded not to partake? I know that our bodies are temples; I know that we are not to become drunk with wine. I know that we are to be sober minded. I am not advocating drinking Dad; I just think that you may be taking the wrong approach. After calling our local Birthright organization he found that they consider themselves non-denominational so now he is splitting positions over religious affiliation. Meanwhile I am concerned with saving life. What about all the Christian denominations that are strong on life; the ones whom do not have a personal conviction to not to partake in alcohol? Why can’t we acknowledge that we stand together? We stand strong on life!
I understand he quickly assumed that Birthright (because it was pro-life) had Christian affiliation. In his mind, Christians don’t drink. Does this mean that only Christians are pro-lifers? I do believe that all Christians (regardless of denomination affiliation) have a call to stand for the rights of the unborn. If you have argument with this, don’t take it up with me. It is clearly given to us in the Word. Still, I hope that Christians are not misguided enough to believe that all unbelievers have been blinded. Believers are not the only ones that see life as precious. I can only pray that believers are not the only ones who have not bought the lie that abortion is a humane and a safe act.
In this instance we are not arguing the theological debate on alcohol consumption. We are joining forces to fight for the life of the innocent babies who do not have a voice. So when there is an unbeliever that believes that taking the life of an unborn baby is wrong, we have a common goal and I can join hands with them. Furthermore when a believer or non-believer does not have a problem with consumption, in the instance of innocent life, why would I split hairs over drinking? Why would I remove my brother’s splinter only to avoid the plank in my own eye? Why would I remove funding from an organization that I share all positions on concerning life and not set aside that we may have different social views and or practices? Why can we not align ourselves to win a war for the most innocent among us? Let’s deal with personal convictions later.
Unfortunately, I did not convince him differently. Throughout the day I have had images in my mind. My images are of Satan himself dancing with delight. Once again, he has been able to take the attention off of the most relevant and most pressing issue, the demoralization of life. He has caused one, if not more to abandon a cause; all in the name of placing our personal convictions on our brother.
Just a lingering thought….
Interesting! Of course so many Catholics are against abortion and they drink alcohol.....I would, however, be uncomfortable with an event focused on pro-life promoting alcohol. I do believe underage/irresponsible drinking is leading to a lot of unwanted pregnancies.
I just wanted to recommend Bound4Life. I have stood with them outside of clinics in silent prayer. They are a fresh new part of bringing the prolife movement back to life.
Darcey(I know Grant),
I think your dad could be right and wrong in two aspects according to Romans 14. I think he is right in that his conscience is telling him "no alcohol" and he is following it. That is his act of faith and his Christian liberty. If he is of the opinion that his conscience is to rule others on the matter of alcohol consumption, I think he is wrong, and on this I agree with you (I am a Baptist preacher--I've thought this over before :) That said, one other thing: To me it is slightly disturbing to think (with Crystal) that there was complimentary bourbon and vodka tasting at an event with such a solemn purpose--seems mismatched to me. The reason for the meeting is because every day in our country, babies are mercilessly killed and they were trying to raise money to save them--doesn't seem light-hearted enough for hard liquor taste testing to me.
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