Friday, March 6, 2009

Inventing Disney Greatness

I think I was five the first time I experienced the magical tale of Pinocchio. What a wonderful story; a little doll who comes to life thus fulfilling the hopes and dreams of his toy maker father, Geppetto. The fact that his nose grew when he told a lie was the icing on cake. Someone other than me penned the following:


Pinocchio, for all intents and purposes, is a wonderful metaphor for the dual nature of the human experience; our material self versus our real self.”

To me, however, Pinocchio was a doll, robotic and a little stiff, who broke free from marionette strings to become a real boy with real flaws, who told lies and made bad choices…oh, and by the way, his nose grew when he fibbed. All of which was great fodder for Disney’s epic animated movie. The rest as they say…is cinematic history.






Meet Pinocchia…Pinocchio’s kooky, kid sister…formerly known as Megan Corkrey!


This season of American Idol features a roughneck, a music minister, a Little Debbie snack cake, a dueling pianist, a Noop, a showman, Antonio Banderas, a blind guy, and a few teenagers among others.


But Corkrey, in her marionette-like performances grabs the “most awkwardly interesting” award early on. Check her out:

Unlike Pinocchio and his fib-induced nose, Pinocchia’s right arm is inked with a tattoo every time she tells a lie. One can only surmise that the left arm is next, and then the right leg, and then the left leg until she is covered head to toe.

I guess it helps that she can sing but I am at a loss with her “relevant” dancing style and “interesting” persona based on the judge’s most recent assertions.


In the season finale, I imagine our little girl will discover the importance of the truth, learn from her bad song choices, and complete her transformation from puppet doll to real life girl. Let's hope it happens sooner than later. How’s that for an encore!

Until then, how about we get Geppetto on Dancing with the Stars in an effort to hone his puppetry skills. Our little girl needs to dance. She’s just waiting to bust out of her ink-covered skin. Oh, and please Megan, no more lies. Just a thought!

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